My survey's theme was "The GGC life." There are many possible reasons behind my survey, but the main purpose of my survey was to find out my fellow GGC student's opinions. This included their tools for GGC School, the everyday hassle of thing such as parking and much more. Also, I wanted to know how they felt about certain GGC related things. I wanted to find out their opinions on certain things. I always wanted to do this all in a humorous manner. If you are interested in taking this survey for yourself, click here

    The results from the survey were somewhat expected. On the first question I asked my fellow students "are you moving into the dorms that are going to be open next year?” 4 out of the 5 that took the survey said no. on the second question I asked "do you own a laptop?” once agai 4 out of 5 agreed on the answer yes. On the third question I asked "do you eat at school?” most of them agreed on yes as well. On the fourth question I asked "How is finding parking space on campus going for you?” most of the students said it’s relatively well for them. On the fifth question I asked "is GGC life what you've thought it would be?” all of them but 1 said yes. On the sixth question I asked "how much time do you spend at school when you're not in class?” most of them answered between 0-4. Finally on the seventh question I asked "do you plan on graduating from GGC?" and most answered yes.

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